About Me

This blog is all about me, as a mother, wife, friend, aunt, daughter, sister, grand daughter and colleague. Studied at St Paul University in Quezon City with a Degree in Mass Communication. Graduated with a loyalty and Thesis award. Presently working in a BPO industry as a Travel Specialist. Married to Louie and blessed with one child, Marianne Samantha.

I decided to blog mainly to share my personal experiences with the goal of promoting my beautiful country, Philippines. I live in Manila so do expect more about city life. I will do my best to feature some other parts coz as u know there are over 7,107 islands.

I am most passionate about fashion eversince. I don’t follow trends. I just dress up the way I like. Something that can hide my tummy flabs. Hehehehe. There are a lot of changes since I gave birth to my first born. I don’t exercise and I love to eat. My tiny body before was long gone. So do expect my blog with clothes that will show you how I achieve my goal, to hide my flaws.

Facts about me:

~chocolate lover especially Reeses and Kisses
~crazy over pasta like Spaghetti, Pesto, Carbonara, etc.
~Icre cream addict, I eat almost any flavor
~telenova addict, may it be from Korea, Taiwan, etc
~a big fan of Anne Curtis, she’s a big star here
~bargain hunter, I shop during sales and I don’t mind buying clothes at thrift shop.
~I love fruits and veggies, Stawberries, manggo, lettuce salad.
~coffee drinker, morning will not be complete without it. Agree?
~enjoys horror movies
~currently hooked with Facebook’s Bejeweled Blitz
~into R & B music
~I am your true and loyal friend
~God-fearing individual
~sincere and honest person
~I have this nature to help others
~my dream is to visit Paris
~I always see things positively
~someone who loves to travel but at the same time can be a couch potato 🙂
~I am into Photography, though DSLR is what I am lacking. I only have my Canon point and shoot camera.

That’s all I can think of now! Thanks to everyone who has been my constant follower and reader! I appreciate it so much coz I am not a writer but you are taking some time to visit.

21 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi there! This is just to let you know that because I enjoy your posts and comments, I’ve nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. I hope you’ll consider this good news – but even if you aren’t interested in accepting, I hope you may see some increased traffic as a result! The acceptance rules are at: http://wp.me/p2ekZU-ZC. All the best!

    • Wow, I am really surprised. This is something I did not expect. Seeing someone hit the like button, reading your wonderful comments are really enough for me. To get nominated is really something, I therefore accept it with open arms… Thank you so much!

  2. Pingback: the Super Sweet Blogging Award « The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  3. hello! just dropping by to say “THANK YOU” for following my blog..btw i get to enjoy reading some of posts..continue the love for blogging..take care.

  4. Pingback: the Versatile Blogger Award and the Shine On Award « The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  5. Pingback: Accessorize! Accessorize! Accessorize! | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  6. Pingback: Epically Awesome Awards of Epic Awesomeness | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  7. it’s pretty nice finding someone here who blog about the beautiful places in the Philippines and kinda promotes them 🙂 Way to go 🙂 Horray for nationalism 🙂 P.S. The letter your daughter gave you (which you posted as a photo) just made me say “Awwwww”

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